In the bustling marketplace of Etsy, standing out from the masses can feel like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops. There are a lot of ways to market your Etsy shop. You could share your products on social media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, even TikTok), collaborate with influencers, host giveaways, book yourself on podcasts, or run ads on Etsy. But fear not, crafty comrades, you will find a ton of success by following my simple steps to how to get started with email marketing for Etsy sellers.

Why Email Marketing Rocks for Etsy Sellers

Sure, social media’s the hotshot hangout, but email offers a cozy cabin in the woods where you can connect with your customers on a deeper level. It’s like having their undivided attention for a cup of virtual tea or hot coffee.

email marketing for etsy sellers

Here’s why email marketing reigns supreme for Etsy sellers:

email marketing for etsy sellers

Etsy’s Policies Regarding Email Addresses

Etsy has strict rules about using customer email addresses and specifies that any communication you have with customers should be Etsy-related. You can’t use Etsy conversations to ask people to join your list.

It’s also important to note that you can’t simply add Etsy buyers to your email list without their consent. This can get you kicked off Etsy and is also a violation of spam laws. 

Acceptable Ways To Collect Email Addresses

Even though you can’t add people to your list without their consent or use Etsy conversations to ask customers to join, there are other ways you can encourage shoppers to join your email list. 

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Way to grow your email list?

email marketing for etsy sellers

You might like this blog post on how to grow your email list.

What can you email your list?

Now, the million-dollar question: what on earth do you email your lovely subscribers about? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a treasure trove of ideas:

Frequency Matters: Finding the Sweet Spot

Bombarding your subscribers with daily emails is like showing up unannounced with a mariachi band at 3 am. Not cool. Aim for consistency without overkill. Once a week or every other week is a good starting point. Track your unsubscribe rate and adjust your frequency based on your audience’s preferences. Learn more about the basics of email marketing here.

Remember, It’s All About Value

Don’t just hawk your wares like a market hawker. Offer valuable content, helpful tips, and genuine interactions. Your emails should be like warm cookies on a cold day – sweet, satisfying, and leaving your customers wanting more. Ensure you have a welcome sequence to nurture your email audience before selling to them.

Ready to Dive into the Email Deep End of Email Marketing for Etsy Sellers?

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge and inspiration, it’s time to take action! Here are some handy tips to get your email marketing ship sailing:

With a little planning, creativity, and these handy tips, you can transform email marketing from a daunting task to a powerful tool for growing your Etsy shop and connecting with your customers on a deeper level.

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