Why Consistent Emails Matter

Do you ever start writing an email and then give up after becoming frustrated? Is this frustration due to struggling to find the right way to word your message? Honestly, I get this struggle! It is hard to build a business when you are behind a screen. However, you must keep going if you want to succeed! This includes understanding why consistent emails matter and how to build brand awareness. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place to eliminate email writing stress! With the Monthly Email Club, you will have your emails ready for personalization before the month even begins! 

why consistent emails matter

Consistency is Key 

There are so many people in the email marketing business. So, you have to stay on top of your game. If you do not reach out to your subscribers consistently, someone else will. This other person will build a bigger profit, subscriber list, and branding. While I wish I could say I am exaggerating, I really am not. There is a ton of competition out there, so you must understand why consistent emails matter. Honestly, they are a key factor in your business’s success or failure. Thankfully, the Monthly Email Club ensures you do not have to stress writing emails! You can focus on your social media presence, creating products, recording podcasts, and anything else you do!  

Monthly Email Club

I understand that building a business takes time. I also understand that not every business owner can afford to hire a professional right now. However, I do not want this aspect to stop you from sending amazing emails to your audience! Since this is a key way to increase your profits and grow your business, I want to help you.  

Thankfully, the Monthly Email Club offers an affordable option! Every month, you will receive a new set of 4 emails ready for personalization. This includes 4 emails for teacher-author businesses and 4 emails for regular businesses. Each email is highly engaging and is simple to finish with a plug-and-play format. This means there are clear markings on spots where you add in your personal stories, products, and resources. Specifically, there will be prompts and instructions in [red + brackets] to personalize with your brand voice. There are also places marked in blue where you link your blog, products, podcasts, and any resources you offer. These aspects ensure every email has your relatability in it! Your subscribers will know they can trust you and your offerings! Honestly, you can write an entire month of emails with clear calls to action in minutes! 

Plus, there is even a special surprise included each month! 

Delivered in Advance 

Once you sign up for the Monthly Email Club, you will receive your monthly emails on the 20th of each month! So, you can add your personalization and have four emails for the next month ready to go in minutes. 

Are you ready?

I hope you understand why consistent emails matter. They are a key factor in making your business succeed. 

If you are ready to save time and effort writing emails from scratch, the Monthly Email Club is for you! 

If you are ready to increase your open and click-through rates, this club is for you! 

If you are ready to boost your sales and nurture your email list, this club is for you! 

Get ready to say goodbye to staring at that blinking cursor with the Monthly Email Club! You will be able to write your emails like a professional in minutes and showcase why consistent emails matter. Best of all, you will have beautifully crafted emails without unnecessary stress! 

Get expert advice on email marketing, business strategy, SEO, and tech from Melissa, CEO of Not Another VA. Book a Zoom call to ask your burning questions if you want support for your business. You’ll receive a recording of the call to reference later, saving you time and providing valuable insights.

Other Helpful Blog Posts

Making consistent emails is easier with ConvertKit and their powerful automation tools. See my blog to learn about Kit Support: Boost Email Marketing with Powerful Automation Tools!

Ready to get started with my Email Club to receive your monthly emails on the 20th of each month? Click Here!

If you want all email marketing tips, join my email list to be notified of all exciting products, offerings, and tools! You will receive freebies for exclusive blog subscribers by joining the email list!

Try out consistency for FREE!

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Welcome to Not Another VA

Meet Melissa, a dedicated email marketing strategist with years of experience in email marketing. She leads a team of talented VAs, offering a wide range of services to help your businesses thrive. Melissa calls Wooster, Ohio, home and is a proud mom of two active little boys and a lacrosse coach’s wife.

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